Sunday, July 10, 2011

Art Post- Time for a redo!

     Here is a picture I drew of a lolita a couple of years ago before I really understood the fashion. I used references from GLBs but there are still some issues not only with the clothing but with the anatomy. So, I'm going to redraw, color, and post it here when I'm finished!

It was originally supposed to be a girl sitting in a field of yellow wild flowers but it never got that far.

If you have any suggestions please comment and let me know!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Hi everyone!
I'd like to welcome you to my blog Pastel Cupcake!
My name is Lisa. I'm a 22 year old girl from Colorado.
I'll be posting my outfits, tutorials, reviews, fashion goodies, some personal stuff, and pretty art.
Thanks for looking!